Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36  Lesson 24 Handout
Torah Portion Tzav


 What should we make of sacrifices in days of old?

 While the sacrifices prescribed in the Bible don't resemble on the surface anything we might do in our own time, our need to make offerings to God is as strong today as it ever was. It doesn't come in the form of grains and animals on an altar any longer, but it does come in the form of prayer, meditation, devotion, or other service or resources of value. 

 As in days of old, God expects us, and is always available to us, to come near. 

 As in days of old, "the fire burns always," inviting us to come near. 

 As in days of old, all of us, regardless of means, are to come near, with what we can afford to bring. 

 As in days of old, there is no offering more treasured by God than one of well-being, personally brought by us, whether given out of thanksgiving or simple free will. 

 As in days of old, God calls us forward, perhaps with the help of a minister or teacher or perhaps by our own God-endowed conscience or soul, with offerings at times of need. 

 As in days of old and the new, God blesses us with the ways of coming near.

Torah Portion Tzav          Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36  

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