Further Experience of the Psalms - Second Session
Sandy Kress

Further Experience of the Psalms – Second Session 

On Our Role and Our Place in the World

I. Introduction

II. Verses to Consider

A. The clean of hands and the pure of heart, who has given no oath in a lie and has sworn not in deceit – he shall bear blessing from the Lord.                                          Psalms 24:4-5

Your ways, O Lord, inform me; Your paths, instruct me…You lead the lowly in justice…Whosoever the man who fears the Lord, He will guide him in the way he should choose…May uprightness, wholeness, preserve me, for in You do I hope.            Psalms 25:4, 9, 12, 21

I have walked in my wholeness…My foot stands on level ground…I despised the assembly of evildoers, nor with the wicked have I sat.                                                         Psalms 26:1, 12, 5

1. Why does the psalmist use hands and heart to convey meaning?

2. How does one cultivate a pure heart?

3. How do we become informed of, and committed to, God’s ways/paths?

4. What comes from fear of the Lord?

5. What are wholeness and uprightness, and how do they help preserve us?

6. What does it mean to stand with our foot on level ground?

7. Finally, how in our modern world would we act to show we despise the assembly of evildoers and avoid sitting with the wicked?

B. `Lord, I love the abode of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells.           Psalms 26:8

One thing do I ask of the Lord, it is this that I seek – that I dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the Lord’s sweetness and to gaze on His palace. For He hides me in His shelter on the day of evil. He conceals me in the recess of His tent, on a rock he raises me up…Let me offer in His tent sacrifices with joyous shouts…On Your behalf, my heart has said, “Seek My Presence.” Your presence, O Lord, do I seek.               Psalms 27:4-6, 8

A Psalm, a song for the dedication of the house, by David…Lord, become helper to me. You have turned my dirge to dance for me, undone my sackcloth and bound me with joy. O, let my heart hymn You and be not still, Lord, my God, for all time I acclaim You.               Psalms 30:1, 11-13

1. Where is the abode of God’s house and the place where God’s glory dwells? What does the Psalmist teach us about why we love to be there?

2. Do you see tips in Psalm 27 about how we can act to grow near God? Explain.

3. What’s the lesson of the verses from Psalm 30?

C.  O God, give to the king Your judgments; and Your righteousness to the son of the king…

May they fear You as long as the sun endures, and the moon is before them…

May His/his words descend like rain on cut vegetation, like showers that water the earth.

May the righteous flourish in his days – and abundant peace until the moon is no more.

May he dominate from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth…

For he saves the needy man pleading, and the lowly who has none to help him…

From fraud and from violence, he will redeem the soul of those in need, precious is their blood in his eyes…

May he be prayed for always, all day long be blessed…

May people blossom from the city like the grass.

May his name endure forever…and may all nations be blessed through him…

Blessed is the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.                                         Psalms 72:1,5-8, 12, 14-18 

1. This could be a psalm about God, or man, or both. Explain.

2. If we were to see this psalm as instructive about how to be a good leader, how would we make the case?

3. If we were to see these psalms as instructive about how to be a good follower/citizen, how would we make that case?

D. “Who trust in their wealth and boast of their great riches, they surely will redeem no man and will not give to God his ransom…Their grave is their home forever…, though their names had been called upon earth.”                                                                        Psalms 49:7-8, 12

“And to the wicked, God said: ‘Why do you recount my statutes and bear My pact in your mouth when you despised chastisement and flung My words behind you? If you see a thief, you run with him…You let loose your mouth in evil, and your tongue clings fast to deceit. You sit, against your brother you speak; your mother’s son you slander.”                                                                                                                  Psalms 50:16-20

“But God will ransom my life, from the grip of Sheol He will take me…He who sacrifices thanksgiving reveres Me and sets out the proper way. I will show him God’s rescue.”                 Psalms 49:16; 50:23

“For You desire not that I give sacrifice… God’s sacrifices: a broken spirit. A broken, crushed heart – God spurns not. Show goodness in your favor of Zion, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then shall You desire just sacrifices…”            Psalms 51:18-21.

1. These verses speak of two types of people who do not serve God but rather serve their own interests. Describe them and what’s wrong with their approach?

2. The verses then speak of two types of people who can lead us in the ways of God? How do they act, and how does that help build a more God-centric and healthy community?

III. Conclusion – takeaways?

And to further experience these particular Psalms we reviewed in class we are including links to four of Sandy''s blogposts that address these same Psalms. I believe your will find that reading his blogposts will strengthen the experience and understanding of these  particular Psalms.  Please try them. All you need to do is click on these links.

A. https://sandykress.wordpress.com/2020/12/31/how-do-i-live-a-better-life-how-can-i-become-a-better-person/

B. https://sandykress.wordpress.com/2021/01/07/where-exactly-do-we-dwell-with-god/

C. https://sandykress.wordpress.com/2021/03/11/what-makes-great-leaders-and-great-followers/

D. https://sandykress.wordpress.com/2021/02/11/a-way-out-of-this-mess/

Further Expereience of the Psalms - Second Session

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